
Zamboanga Funnies

Thursday, April 07, 2011

I'm not yet ready to post my Zamboanga trip so here's an appetizer instead. My friend Erx and I surprisingly found a lot of funny signs in Zamboanga City and Zamboanga del Norte. However, we were in the car a lot and couldn't stop so we were only able to take a few.

Presenting, the menu at Dakak Park and Beach Resort:

Bountiful! This made me giddy because of it's enthusiasm! Hehe

The "eat vitamins" part made me laugh.

Just read it. Haha

And finally..Putik Central School. Putik is actually the name of the place. And yes, there is putik (mud) at Putik Central School.

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  1. ahahaha... putik nga yung school! so, should we book a ticket to zambo na?!

  2. Wag muna. =p They all recommend to only go if you know locals. Hehe We weren't able to go to this beach cos we needed military escort pa. Haha


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