
Manila Photo Walk for August Part 1: Manila Central Post Office

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I was overly excited for the photo walk for August because I had a new camera and his name is Guido. My first camera, Uno, has been with me since 2005. Unfortunately technology has improved since then and Uno’s quality is really different from other cameras nowadays. Anyhot, the new camera plan has been in the works for 2 years and it finally materialized. Guido was up for his first adventure.

Literally, this is the map that guided us during the photo walk thanks to Google Maps (plus directions from Noel as to what jeepney to take) which was pasted and puzzled together through Photoshop. Click to enlarge to get a better look.

For the August Photo Walk we had an ambitious plan, to visit 4 places around Manila. Our plan consisted of (1) going to Quiapo to buy camera accessories, (2) pass by the Manila Central Post Office (just like what we did in Ho Chi Minh), (3) take a tour of the National Museum, (4) have lunch at Casa Roces with the possibility of checking out nearby Malacañang. How did we fair in this month’s photo tour?

Before anything else, I had breakfast first while waiting for Danica. With any photo trip, I aim to have a heavy breakfast because when we say photo walk, we mean photo WALK. I started my day beautifully with bacon waffles and peach iced tea from Pancake House.

From Ortigas, we took the MRT and LRT to head on over to Quiapo. I didn’t take any photos here unlike my last trip there.

We took a short jeepney ride to head on over to the Manila Central Post Office. The sun was shining and I was checking out the exteriors while testing out my new CPL filter. I took exterior photos of the Post Office before heading inside. I was even able to find some letters for Blonde Fish!

The long hallway that greets you as you enter..

I’m trying to practice shooting more architecture.

Scenes behind the post office.

Unfortunately we couldn’t take any photos inside the post office. I didn’t have time to buy a kick ass post card before the trip so I headed to the gift shop. It was a sad sight to only see 2 postcards in the gift shop, none of which were of Manila – they were of 2 provinces in the Philippines. The gift shop was air conditioned and I found solace here from the baking heat.

I tried my best to be positive and friendly but 80% of the Post Office employees I encountered were boorish. We had to keep asking for directions since there weren’t clear directions of where to go and what to do. I wish they had simple signs to make the post office experience more pleasant.

Sorry to compare but Ho Chi Minh’s post office was definitely better. Teehee I don’t regret visiting the post office because I really wanted to check out more the city.

The rest of my Manila Photo Walk for August posts are here: Part 2 and Part 3. Make it a Manila weekend and have a staycation in the city. Book your hotel here.

* Additional photos from Danix Labudahon.

Manila Central Post Office
Liwasang Bonifacio, 1000 Manila

Past Photo Walks:
January - Quiapo and Makati
February - Negros Occidental
March - Zamboanga
April - Corregidor
May - Bellarocca
June - Cirque du Soleil's Varekai and White MoonBar
July - Venice Piazza Food Adventure

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