Manila Photo Walk for August Part 2: The National Museum
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Admission is currently free to the National Museum because of all the renovations going on. SLR cameras are not allowed inside the museum but smaller point and shoot cameras are allowed as long as you don’t use your flash.

It’s about television so I’m partial to this piece! Haha Unfortunately this piece is about the ill effects of the medium.

I don’t have an artsy fartsy profound explanation but I really liked this piece.

We got a bit lost inside the museum continually asking what galleries were open or not.
What I liked about the museum:
- you go on your own pace
- good air conditioning in most of the galleries
- galleries looked different from each other
- we couldn’t bring in our bags, it was load lifted!

What I think can be improved:
- information as to what galleries are open and not
- adding gallery names and descriptions
- adding titles, artist’s name and description to the piece
- more secure baggage area
As a visitor, I wanted to know more about the pieces and artists featured in the museum. I wish that each piece had an accompanying article next to it. Perhaps when you enter a gallery, there’s a short voice over about the room and its pieces.
I can’t wait to return to the museum when more galleries are open.
The rest of my Manila Photo Walk for August posts are here: Part 1 and Part 3. Make it a Manila weekend and have a staycation in the city. Book your hotel here.
* Additional photos from Danix Labudahon.
National Museum of the Philippines
Padre Burgos Drive, Manila City
The National Museum is open Tuesdays to Sundays, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Free admission on Sundays. Currently, the National Art Gallery is undergoing renovation. Entrance will be free until renovation is complete.
Past Photo Walks:
January - Quiapo and Makati
February - Negros Occidental
March - Zamboanga
April - Corregidor
May - Bellarocca
June - Cirque du Soleil's Varekai and White MoonBar
July - Venice Piazza Food Adventure